Parents Blame Daughter for the Consequences of Their Own Bad Parenting
The Cringiest Dating App Icks This Week (June 14, 2023)
You’re impossibly fast… and strong: 30 Immortal ‘Twilight’ Memes for Vampire Lovers Who Will Always Be Team Edward
An Overflowing Water Bowl of Cat Memes For People Who Pspsps
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Wholesome Text Screenshots of Customer Being a Decent Human Being with Pizza Delivery Guy Who Screwed Up His Order
A Luxurious Bundle of 31 Memes
A Fluttering Of Flag Memes in Celebration of Flag Day
A Sassy Clash of Classical Art Memes (June 14, 2023)
‘The manosphere keeps cashing in on these losers’: Goofy Pretend Military Bootcamp Gets Roasted by Twitter