‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup
The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (May 13, 2024)
30 Memes for Australians Who Can’t Pick a Favorite Tim Tam Flavor
‘We’re such a deeply unserious country’: New York-Dublin ‘portal’ live art installation immediately creates chaos
A Magical Mush of Mushroom Memes for Trippy Fun Guys
‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer
Dad Joke Memes For Funny Fathers Undeterred by Teenage Groans
30 Sweet Memes That Will Sugarcoat Your Way Into Monday Morning
‘This isn’t Young Sheldon’: Exam-taker asks fragile student to swap seats, causing her to fail said exam
Dad skips son’s high school graduation for 14-year-old stepdaughters competition that her mom is already attending: ‘Once she came into his life he prioritized her every step of the way’