Half of the time, I’m simply just trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing…
Spooky Dance time 😛
Grumpy Cat Birthday
Water is wet
Residential housing in Dubai. Personally Iu2019d rather die alone in the jungle
Most people have shitty bosses but mine is an absolute gem. He’s a kind old man who has helped out many of his employees when they were in a difficult situation. It’s just unfair that the police can drag you out of your place of work without any evidence.just a false statement.
I met both!
Boy Calls Out Douchey Brother for Casual Prejudice, Parents Accuse Him of Bullying
Cat Owners Share Things That People Don’t Know About Cats Until They Get One
Mom Takes Niece in for a Month, Gets Blamed By SIL When She Likes Her Aunt’s Household Better