29 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 17, 2024)
29 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 17, 2024)
‘Not happening, I’m going home’: Senior employee quits, leaving company in the dust after manager writes him up for not working on day off
‘Not happening, I’m going home’: Senior employee quits, leaving company in the dust after manager writes him up for not working on day off
Programming Memes for Coding Geeks (March 17, 2024)
25+ Philosophy Memes That Think, Therefore They Are
Boyfriend farts in his girlfriends face, can’t understand why she leaves the dinner: ‘I’m making this a bigger deal by trying to punish him’
The Room is On Fire with These 21 ‘The Strokes’ Memes
Employee forced to work in office with no windows and no coworkers resigns, boss retaliates: ‘It’s not your job to run your boss’ business’
25+ Jane Austen Memes for Pride and Prejudice People