20+ British Memes From Across the Pond
‘I care more about the Super Bowl than your baby’: Woman schedules her baby shower on super bowl to test friendship circle, internet reacts
30+ Gen X Memes For Xoomers and Xennials
I’m just kidding, you’ll never have grandchildren, you testic-less MAGAfucka – meme
Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos was a Colombian serial killer, sex offender, pedophile, and necrophile – meme
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Hip Hip Hooray! September, October, November, December See all the months that I can remember! – meme
BREAKING NEWS: Taylor Swift confirmed that she has sexual intercourse (coitus femoralis) with Donald Trump – meme
hope they charge just a lil too – meme
Yeehaa – meme
The boobs on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down. The boobs on the bus go up and down, all through the town – meme